St Anne's Hoxton is a small Church of England parish in a very diverse neighbourhood of east London. The area in which our church is situated is changing rapidly. There is energy and vibrancy but there is also poverty, unemployment, deprivation and health challenges. The Church's role here is manifold:

  • We are a place where different parts of the community can join together and focus on God and the common good.

  • We offer relief and assistance to those who find themselves homeless, living with addictions, debt and lifestyle struggles.

  • We are increasingly in demand as a safe space for various community groups to meet and hold events, precisely because we are a Church which provides hope.

We cannot however do any of this alone. We need financial help as well as non-financial help (through volunteering and professional expertise). If you want to donate a one-off financial gift to one of our projects, then click the button below

We depend on the generosity of our members and friends to make our ministry happen. It is your generosity that enables us to pursue our vision of bringing hope to the heart of Hoxton. Regular giving is part of our rhythm of worship, and setting up a regular monthly gift helps us to plan ahead.


Here at St Anne’s we know a lot of people who are struggling with their heating bills at the moment. We put small amounts of money of people’s meter keys to get them warm as soon as possible.

If you are able to help us do this then you can make a donation in two ways.

Firstly click the button to the left to make a one off donation (gift aid will be claimed automatically, saving us the admin).


you can transfer your donation to the following bank account

Name: St Anne's Hoxton PCC
Sortcode: 40-11-58
A/C No: 50114081

Please use the reference ‘Heat’

We will make sure that 100% of your donation goes to supporting those in need.

If you are a tax payer, we can claim gift aid back on your donation so please complete the form at the bottom of this page.

Many thanks Fr Ben


You can give regularly to the work and upkeep of St Anne’s via the Parish Giving Scheme.

The PGS is a free to use service that claims Gift Aid on donations and automatically pay it into our account - reducing administrative time.

Please consider giving to St Anne’s in this way.


If you would like to make a one of gift, you can do so directly:

Name: St Anne's Hoxton PCC
Sortcode: 40-11-58
A/C No: 50114081

if you are a tax payer, please complete this form and send it to us so that we can claim Gift Aid on your donation (Gift Aid adds 25p to every pound given).


We often need volunteers to help with our various community projects. We are currently recruiting volunteers for the Hoxton Street Union - could you help us tackle loneliness and isolation in our parish? We also need professional skills from time to time to resource our ministries. Please contact us if you are interested

Gift Aid Declaration

Boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate

If you are a UK taxpayer and eligible to Gift Aid your donations, please complete the form below and return it to the Gift Aid Officer or the Treasurer.  This will increase your gift/s by 25p for every £1 given, at no extra cost to you or us. Thank you.